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Skills Assessments for Skilled Migration

Before you lodge an expression of interest for a points tested skilled migration visa (independent or state / territory sponsored), you will need to lodge a skills assessment to have your skills assessed by the relevant Assessing Authority in Australia for the occupation that you wish to nominate in your visa application. The nominated occupation should also be listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for independent visa applications or on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) for a state / territory sponsored visa application. Many 457 visa applications also require a shills assessment and this is determined by the nominated occupation.

Skills Assessment Requirements

Generally you will be required to provide proof of your qualifications to the assessing authority, for example university or trade qualifications. Proof of relevant substantial work experience may be acceptable for some occupations and you should contact the relevant assessing authority to establish what their requirements are.

You can apply for more than one skills assessment with any number of assessing authorities, however, you can only nominate one occupation during your expression of interest and cannot change your nominated occupation once you are invited to apply for a Skilled Migration visa via SkillSelect.

When you are invited to apply for a Points Tested Skilled Migration Visa you need to provide a scanned certified copy of a positive skills assessment (from the approved certifying authority) for your nominated occupation.

Skills Assessments in the UK

Skills Assessments in the UK
CPA Australia has an office in London that can assist skilled migrants with their skills assessment for the following nominated occupations:

  • Accountant (general) (ANZSCO code 221111)
  • Corporate treasurer (ANZSCO code 221212)
  • External auditor (ANZSCO code 221213)
  • Finance manager (ANZSCO code 132211)
  • Management accountant (ANZSCO code 221112)
  • Taxation accountant (ANZSCO code 221113)

To apply, you can either complete the CPA Online Application Form or Download the Application Form to complete and return to CPA Australia. If you have any questions, you can contact the CPA Australia Europe office in London during UK business hours on +44 (0)20 7240 8266 or you can email them via europe@cpaaustralia.com.au or visit the CPA Australia Website for more information.

The Down Under Centre TranslucentThe Down Under Centre are UK based and partner with two Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) Skills Assessing bodies. These are Future Skills International (for electricians) and Australian Construction Training Services (ACTS) (for construction and engineering trades).

They also deliver many AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) qualifications which you may need to be able to work in Australia (depending on your occupation). Please visit the Down Under Centre Website for more information or give them a call in the UK on +44 (0)20 3376 1555.

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