Please Note: or its directors are not Registered Australian Migration Agents and the information provided below is for general information purposes only and does not constitute migration or legal advice. No legal responsibility is accepted by or its directors for the accuracy of any information provided. Users of this website seeking advice on Australian migration law or assistance with Australian visas should seek advice from a registered Australian migration agent.
It is a good idea to check out the DIBP points test (click on the Points Test Tab) for Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa (and many of the other permanent residence visa categories) to see if you meet the points requirements before commencing the application process or any of the other steps listed below. It also makes sense to discuss your application with a Registered Australian Migration Agent as for a small fee, they can assist you with the points test and any questions that you may have regarding how points are awarded or provide you with an assessment on if you qualify under the points tested migration program.
Under the scheme points are awarded for:
English Language Test (for Skilled Migration):
Once you or your Registered Migration Agent have established that you meet the minimum points required and before you apply for Points Tested Skilled Migration Visa for Australia, you will need to ensure that you meet one of the English language requirements as listed below. You may be exempt from these requirements if you have nominated earnings at least equal to the current Australian Taxation Office top individual income tax rate (currently AUD180,001 as at 1 July 2012).
More information on exemptions and requirements can be found via this LINK.
All other visa applicants (except subclass 457 visas – see next section) must prove that they have competent English and meet one of the following conditions:
More information on English requirements for can be found via this LINK.
If you are applying for a 457 visa and you need to demonstrate that you have the required level of English Language then you need to be able to provide evidence of one of the following:
You will be considered exempt from proving any of the above if:
For more information on current English proficiency requirements for subclass 457 visa applications can be found HERE.
IELTS: The British Council’s IELTS tests are available up to once a week in over 120 countries, for more information, to find a test venue or to book an IELTS test, visit the IELTS Website.
TOEFL iBT: ETS’s internet based test is offered more than 50 times a year at ETS authorised test centres worldwide, for more information, to find a test centre near you and to book for a TOEFL iBT test, visit the ETS TOEFL Website.
OET: The Occupational English Test for medical professionals (as an alternative to the IELTS test) can be booked and a list of their venues viewed on the OET Website.
Pearson PTE: Another alternative to the IELTS test for many visa categories (check your own eligibility before booking a test). More information on the test, their venues and how to book can be accessed on the Pearson PTE Website.
Skills Assessment:
Either before or after completing the English language requirements (where you need to complete an English language test) and if you are applying under the independent points based skilled migration program, you will need to nominate an occupation that is on the Australian skilled occupation list (SOL) and apply to have your skills assessed as suitable for the nominated occupation by the relevant Australian Assessing Authority.
Where you are applying under the points based skilled migration program and are seeking nomination from a state or territory government agency under a State Migration Plan, then you will need to nominate an occupation that is listed on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL).
Once you have completed the steps above, then the next step in the points based skilled migration process for either the Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189), Skilled Nominated Visa (state sponsored, subclass 190), or Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489) is to lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) online with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s SkillSelect website. Alternatively, your Registered Australian Migration Agent will guide you through the SkillSelect process.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) is not a visa application though is the required first step as part if the Skilled Independent Visa process. The EOI will ask for a range of information, including:
When you have completed your EOI, you will receive confirmation from SkillSelect and your EOI will remain in SkillSelect for two years. The system will calculate your points, assess your eligibility and provide a report that shows where you were awarded points after you submit your EOI.
You can also view and update your EOI at any time with additional qualifications gained or if you improve your English ability or change any other circumstances.
It is important to note that your EOI will form part of your visa application if you are invited to apply for a visa, so the information provided should be accurate.
You may be invited to lodge a visa application or an Australian employer may contact you to discuss employment or sponsorship opportunities if you have selected this option. If you are invited to lodge a visa application you then have 60 days from the date of the invitation to make a valid visa application online before the invitation expires.
Health and character requirements will be requested from the DIBP during the visa application stage.