When you have made the decision to live in Australia for the longer term, our easy to use interactive Settling in Australia Guides provide useful tips and information to make the transition to permanent residence in Australia easier. They are free to use and will be regularly updated with special offers and discounts with companies who understand the issues that new residents face and are serious about assisting you. Register today for free, unlimited access to the guide.
This section on how to settle / live in Australia details the other services and processes you may need and are different to those typically required by temporary residents. We also have information and links relating to Permanent residence and Australian Citizenship. Each section is complimented by direct links to the specific pages of the relevant company or government department website, to save you the time of trying to find the relevant information. As for all the previous sections, we have provided a “Useful Links” section as the last menu item that is a “directory” of all the links in this Live in Australia section of the website. We are always keen to have any feedback or suggestions for any parts of the website too, so please Contact Us with your comments, we’d love to hear from you.
We have prioritised the tasks you need to complete to help you live in Australia for the long term as easy as possible, we also have other suggested tasks that may be useful and can be removed if they aren’t relevant to you.
Below is a very small example of the free guides that you can access by registering for free, we will never send you unsolicited emails or correspondence. Registration is so that your tasks can be remembered and any notes you have made too.