If you arrived in Australia on a provisional (or temporary) residence visa and have met the requirements for and want to apply for an Australia PR (permanent residence) we would advise engaging the services of a registered Australian migration agent as they will be able to assist you in deciding which visa would be most suitable to apply for based on your situation, they can assist you with the visa application process and ensure that you don’t miss anything. You may qualify for more than one type of visa and an experienced migration agent will be able to find the one that best suits your situation. You can search for a registered agent or ensure that your migration agent is registered by visiting the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) Website.
For a summary of some of the permanent residence visa types and the relevant links to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s website, please see the Permanent Residence Visas Summary section under the Visas Summarised part of the website.
More information can also be found under the Permanent Resident Information section and Pathways to Permanent Residency section on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.